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Department of Education

Summary of Impacts

Project 2025 suggests reducing fossil fuel production regulations, which will accelerate climate change. Reduced regulations will reduce air quality and increase negative public health outcomes. Over-reliance on fossil fuels will jeopardize future energy security and stability, and increase American dependence on foreign oil sources. 

Key Quotes

“Eliminate the Clean Energy Corps by revoking funding and eliminating all positions and personnel hired under the program.”
(McNamee 418)

“Eliminate energy efficiency standards for appliances.”
(McNamee 411)

“Make the design, development, and deployment of new nuclear warheads a top priority.”
(McNamee 430)

Impacts on the Department of Education

The “Project 2025” policies prioritize decentralization, local control, and privatization to boost efficiency and education outcomes. However, these changes will worsen inequalities, reduce protections for marginalized groups, and degrade public services. The emphasis on conservative values and deregulation poses significant risks to vulnerable populations like low-income families, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and students with disabilities, leading to long-term harm to social equity and public welfare.

A stack of books with an open book on top, symbolizing education.

Critical Analysis

The document uses conservative rhetoric to frame federal intervention in education as inherently negative, emphasizing “bureaucratic bloat” and “red tape” without acknowledging the benefits of federal oversight, such as ensuring equal access to education and protecting civil rights. – The emphasis on “education freedom” and “parental rights” is a common conservative talking point, often used to justify policies that undermine public education and promote privatization. – The document frequently criticizes “woke” policies and “radical gender ideology,” using these terms to dismiss efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Detrimental Impacts

The proposed policy for the Department of Education stands to affect the following:


Rolling back Title IX protections and redefining “sex” to exclude gender identity will harm transgender students by denying them protections against discrimination.

The emphasis on school choice and education savings accounts will exacerbate educational inequality by diverting funds from public schools to private institutions, leaving low-income families with fewer resources and lower-quality education.

Converting IDEA funding into block grants and transferring oversight to the Department of Health and Human Services will reduce the quality and accessibility of special education services, harming students with disabilities.

The focus on violent crime and career criminals could lead to over-policing and disproportionate targeting of racial and ethnic minorities, exacerbating existing racial disparities in the criminal justice system. Additionally, aggressive prosecution of drug-related crimes and securing the border could result in harsher penalties and increased incarceration rates for minority communities, particularly those of Hispanic and African American descent.

General Public

Moving the Office for Civil Rights to the Department of Justice and limiting its enforcement to litigation will make it harder for students to report and address discrimination. A student experiencing racial harassment may face a lengthy and complex legal process, discouraging them from seeking justice and allowing discriminatory practices to persist.

Ending loan forgiveness programs and privatizing student lending will increase the financial burden on low-income students. A student from a low-income family may struggle to repay their loans, leading to long-term debt and financial instability.

Future Consequences

Diverting funds from public schools to private institutions through education savings accounts will reduce resources for public schools, particularly in low-income areas. This will lead to larger class sizes, fewer extracurricular activities, and outdated materials, negatively impacting the quality of education for low-income students.

Rescinding the Obama Administration’s guidance on school discipline and eliminating the disparate impact standard will likely lead to increased racial disparities in school discipline. Black and Hispanic students will face harsher punishments for the same infractions as their white peers, contributing to the school-to-prison pipeline.


In summary, the proposed policies in Project 2025 are likely to cause significant harm to marginalized groups, low-income families, and students with disabilities. The emphasis on school choice, reduced federal oversight, and privatization will exacerbate educational inequality and undermine civil rights protections, leading to long-term negative consequences for vulnerable populations.

Quotes from the Mandate

Page numbers refer to the Mandate for Leadership PDF

Moving Title I funding to a different department without any conditions undermines control over how the funds are used, leading to wasteful spending and neglect of schools that rely on these resources for their education. This change significantly hurts disadvantaged students, making it harder for them to have equal opportunities in education.
Closing the Department of Education would worsen educational quality and access, especially harming marginalized communities who rely heavily on federal support.
Defunding the Corporation for Public Broadcasting will cut off access to free, educational TV programs that help kids and low-income families learn without cost. This move would affect more than 130 million people across the country.
Area studies programs concentrate on a particular geographic area (e.g., Latin America, East Asia, Middle East) or cultural group (e.g., African studies, Indigenous studies). Students delve into the history, languages, arts, politics, and social issues of that region or culture. By undermining area studies programs, the recommendations in “Project 2025” would marginalize ethnic and cultural studies, weaken the nation’s global engagement capabilities, and compromise academic freedom. The proposal to realign these programs towards specific ideological orientations further raises concerns about the erosion of intellectual diversity and independence in higher education. Eliminating these programs would likely impact cultural understanding, diplomacy and international relations, language skills, research, and potentially threaten equity and inclusivity efforts.
The PSLF program offers student loan forgiveness for people employed full-time by government or non-profit organizations. The program is designed to encourage students to enter potentially low-paying careers like firefighting, teaching, government, nursing, public interest law, the military, and religious work. Terminating this program would impact hundreds of thousands of borrowers counting on their loans being forgiven after ten years of repayment. Additionally, calls for eliminating other types of loans (Grad PLUS, Parent PLUS) and aid (interest rate subsidies, other loan forgiveness) are included. Lastly, they want to amend the law to ensure that no administration is able to cancel student loans in the future.
Project 2025 proposes to remove accreditation agencies or allow states to choose their own accreditation agencies. The plan calls for the president to issue an executive order allowing states to choose their own accreditation agencies or even removing the accreditation requirement entirely. Later, on page 392, they call on the president to issue an executive order “pursuing antitrust against college accreditors, especially the American Bar Association.” Accrediting agencies uphold educational quality, facilitate federal aid, and ensure accountability within the higher education system. Eliminating these agencies would jeopardize educational quality, student mobility (transferring between institutions), and federal funding.
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