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What is Project 2025?

From day one, Project 2025 and its supporters aim to pervert American Democracy by removing unaffiliated elected officials, placing groomed candidates into those positions of power, enacting sweeping executive orders, and eliminating all checks and balances that would prevent them from executing their goals of an authoritarian theocracy.

The success of an extremist far-right agenda would undermine local stability, cripple the economy, prevent American cooperation with foreign nations, remove civil liberties, and erode global democracy – just to name a few things. The proposed policies will benefit the authors and legislative supporters of Project 2025, but will ultimately cause suffering and death for the vast majority of everyday Americans, regardless of their identities or politics.

The Four Pillars

Project 2025 is broken up into four sections: Policy, Personnel, Training, and Playbook. The pillars outline the authoritarian strategy to consolidate power while limiting or eliminating the agency of American people.

Who’s Behind It

Project 2025 is authored in part by the Heritage Foundation, which is a Christian Nationalist organization. The Heritage Foundation actively funds far-right candidates, ideology, and policy, which promotes hate and discrimination. This is the same group that pushed to overturn Roe v. Wade, has been legislating against the LGBTQIA+ community for decades, frowns upon DEI efforts, and continues to oppress BIPOC voters.

How it’s Written

The Mandate for Leadership is written to hide the true intentions of the radical right’s plans. The language used is presented in a way to appear beneficial, but uses contradictory wording to disguise the true impact of the proposed policies.

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