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  • As part of the “personnel” pillar, Project 2025 is putting out a call for resumes to amass a database of conservative individuals looking to work in politics.
  • The application is written to clearly indicate applicant’s views on conservative values, for example, immigration and police violence.
  • In combination with plans to institute Schedule F, this database lays the groundwork to replace existing federal workers with conservative groupies.

The Personnel pillar of Project 2025 focuses on creating networking opportunities for conservative individuals pursuing politics. Their website includes a questionnaire form that submits applicants into a personnel database for executive branch positions. The goal of this pillar is to enlist the next generation of conservative policymakers under the umbrella of the Heritage Foundation and ensure a continued effort to push their agenda.

Applicants are directed to a questionnaire that is clear about what kind of values they are looking for. Applicants rate how much they agree with statements such as “The U.S. has the right to select immigrants based on country of origin” and “The police in America are systemically racist”. Through this recruiting, the Heritage Foundation aims to amass a database of ultraconservative individuals ready to be trained for and take on federal positions.

As part of the policy and 180-transition plans, Project 2025 aims to secure executive branch power and institute Schedule F. This would allow approximately 50,000 federal employees to be reclassified and ultimately fired. The Heritage Foundation then plans to replace those workers with individuals from their newly created database, essentially recreating the federal government in a conservative image.

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