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  • The training pillar of Project 2025 aims to develop targeted skills and competencies required to effectively manage and operate within various federal agencies for conservatively-minded federal workers.
  • The training fosters strong ideological alignment with the principles and values of The Heritage Foundation and the broader conservative movement, including Christian Nationalist conservative principles.
  • The program prioritizes building a network of like-minded individuals who can collaborate towards common goals, and equips participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate federal governance complexities so that Project 2025 agenda can be implemented as soon as federal power is secured.

The purpose of the training pillar within Project 2025 is to prepare and equip individuals who may potentially serve in a future conservative administration through the Presidential Training Academy. This aspect of the project aims to ensure that there is a well-prepared and ideologically aligned cadre of professionals ready to implement the policy goals and strategic objectives outlined in the Project 2025 playbook.

One of the key objectives of the training pillar is skill development. It provides targeted training to develop the necessary skills and competencies required to effectively manage and operate within various federal agencies. Another objective is policy familiarization. The training ensures that trainees are well-versed in the conservative policy agenda and understand the specific policy proposals and initiatives that Project 2025 advocates for.

Ideological alignment is also a critical component. The training fosters a strong alignment with the principles and values promoted by The Heritage Foundation and the broader conservative movement, including an understanding of Christian Nationalist conservative principles emphasized by the project. Leadership training is another objective, aiming to cultivate leadership skills among participants to prepare them to take on key roles and responsibilities within a future administration.

Networking and cohesion are also prioritized. The training pillar works to build a network of like-minded individuals who can support each other and work collaboratively towards the common goals set out in Project 2025. Additionally, operational effectiveness is emphasized, equipping participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of federal governance and efficiently implement the desired policy changes.

In combination with the Personnel pillar, Project 2025 intends to install conservatively-aligned politicians, judges, and other federal workers across every sector of government. This would remove existing checks and balances that are the foundation of democracy.

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