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  • The “policy” pillar of Project 2025 is embodied in the Mandate for Leadership: A Conservative Promise– a 900 page document written by the Heritage Foundation and influential conservative figures.
  • This document makes approximately 334 unique policy recommendations that reshape the existing U.S. government system.
  • Donald Trump has endorsed 64% of the Mandate for Leadership’s propositions and intends to continue putting their policies into action.

Originally created in 1981 to advise the Reagan administration, the Project 2025 version of Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise is a 900-page document created by leaders from the Heritage Foundation, former politicians, economists, and other influential conservative figures. According to the Project 2025 website, “this book is the work of the entire conservative movement”.

The document is broken up into five sections: Taking the Reins of Government, The Common Defense, The General Welfare, The Economy, and Independent Regulatory Agencies. Each section lays out detailed plans to transform the inner workings of the U.S. government to align with conservative principles. In total, the document makes approximately 334 unique policy recommendations, covering a wide range of issues from repealing Obamacare to rolling back fracking regulations.

By 2018, Donald Trump had put into action or seriously considered 64% of the Mandate for Leadership’s proposals. The Heritage Foundation has credited the Mandate for Leadership with Trump’s decisions to leave the Paris Climate Accord, increase military spending by $54 billion, and increase work requirements for TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) recipients.

Through their proposed policies and other pillars, Heritage aims to solidify conservative leadership and push for further adoption of their far-right agenda.

Click below to learn more about the Mandate for Leadership document and the policies it advocates for.

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