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Environmental Protection Agency

Summary of Impacts

Project 2025 suggests reducing fossil fuel production regulations, which will accelerate climate change. Reduced regulations will reduce air quality and increase negative public health outcomes. Over-reliance on fossil fuels will jeopardize future energy security and stability, and increase American dependence on foreign oil sources. 

Key Quotes

“Eliminate the Clean Energy Corps by revoking funding and eliminating all positions and personnel hired under the program.”
(McNamee 418)

“Eliminate energy efficiency standards for appliances.”
(McNamee 411)

“Make the design, development, and deployment of new nuclear warheads a top priority.”
(McNamee 430)

Impacts on the Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental and Social Consequences:
Reforming the EPA to adhere strictly to conservative principles will see a dramatic rollback of crucial environmental protections. Policies designed to safeguard air and water quality, protect endangered species, and control carbon emissions will be significantly weakened or eliminated. The abolition of key offices such as the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights will leave marginalized communities defenseless against the disproportionate environmental hazards they face.

Economic Implications:
The shift towards prioritizing fossil fuel and mineral extraction over sustainable practices will lead to short-term economic benefits for a limited segment of the population, primarily consisting of large corporations and investors in the energy sector. However, the long-term economic costs include health care expenses from pollution-related illnesses, devastation of natural resources, and the stalling of the burgeoning green energy sector, which promises sustainable growth and job creation.

A person gently holding a small plant in their hand, showcasing care and growth.

Critical Analysis

Rhetoric vs. Reality:

The document uses words like “coercive,” “unachievable,” and “job-killing” to make environmental regulations seem bad, but these rules are crucial for fighting climate change, keeping us healthy, and making sure our planet is safe in the future. The phrase “back to basics” and “cooperative federalism” hides a plan to weaken the government’s role in protecting the environment, giving more power to states that might not be able to do it well.

Masks and Mirrors:

Talking about “limited government” and “economic growth” without caring for the planet is just a way of saying corporations are more important than people. If we make the EPA weaker, our air and water will get polluted even more, natural disasters will happen more often, and climate change will go faster. This means going backward on environmental rules, ignoring what scientists say we must do to save the Earth from climate change.

Detrimental Impacts

The proposed policy for the Environmental Protection Agency stands to affect the following:


Eliminating the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights will likely harm communities that are disproportionately affected by pollution and environmental hazards, particularly racial and ethnic minorities. These offices are crucial for addressing systemic inequities.

Reduced environmental protections will lead to higher healthcare costs and lower quality of life, disproportionately affecting economically disadvantaged individuals.

Increased pollution and reduced environmental protections will exacerbate health issues for people with pre-existing conditions.

General Public

Downplaying the importance of climate change and rolling back regulations will exacerbate environmental degradation and public health issues, particularly for vulnerable populations.

Reducing regulations on air and water quality can lead to increased pollution, which directly leads to negative public health outcomes.

Future Consequences

Ignoring climate change will lead to more extreme weather events, disproportionately affecting low-income communities that lack the resources to recover.

The emphasis on “transparent science” and “diversity of viewpoints” can be a way to introduce industry-friendly science that downplays environmental risks, undermining public trust and effective regulation.


The roadmap for dismantling the EPA is not a plan for balanced governance; it’s a blueprint for environmental catastrophe and social injustice. It gleefully sacrifices long-term sustainability and public welfare on the altar of profitability for a few. The aims of “economic growth” and “energy dominance” are nothing but smokescreens that mask the grim realities: wrecked ecosystems, poisoned communities, and a planet pushed to its breaking point.

Quotes from the Mandate

Page numbers refer to the Mandate for Leadership PDF

Reducing the EPA’s size and scope will lead to weaker environmental rules, causing more pollution and harm to all communities. This will especially impact communities of color and low-income areas, who already face higher pollution levels. This also worsens health problems like breathing and heart issues, further straining healthcare systems and deepening health inequalities.
PFAS, a widely-used, long-lasting chemical, has been found all over the globe and has been associated with harmful health effects. Its current designation as a “hazardous substance” makes CERCLA’s enforcement tools and cost recovery available, which ensures that the polluters (not taxpayers) pay for investigations and cleanup.
Reclassifying PFAS chemicals could lead to less strict rules and cleanup efforts for these dangerous chemicals, as well as increased costs for taxpayers. PFAS cause health problems like cancer, liver damage, and immune system issues. Marginalized groups, including people of color and those with disabilities, are already hurt by environmental hazards due to unfair systems. Making it easier to regulate PFAS could make health differences worse and unfair treatment in the environment even more unjust.
Appointing administrative staff as opposed to those qualified for the jobs could allow individuals without scientific knowledge backgrounds to begin creating rules and regulations that would go against the EPA’s overall mission of protecting the environment.
The current ESA guidelines are designed to not only protect endangered species but to also protect keystone pollinators such as bees and butterflies. These pollinator populations are actively harmed by pesticides and can result in large scale population declines affecting the Earth’s well-being. Farmers already working with the EPA as outlined in FIFRA.
The Safer Choice program helps people, businesses and purchasers find products that contain safer ingredients for human health and the environment by reducing, eliminating, or preventing pollution at its source. Moving this program to the private sector would remove oversight and allow for companies to ignore EPA standards in the manufacture of goods.
The AIM Act regulated hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in the atmosphere. HFCs have been shown to accelerate depletion of the Earth’s protective ozone layer. Repealing the regulations would allow companies to pollute HFCs into the air, making the air unhealthy to breathe and damaging the ozone layer causing damage to the Earth’s surface. Livestock and crops would be affected.
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